How to be a CYRCLE Community?

CYRCLE Community Criteria

  • It’s a community which presents a potential cultural, natural and social heritage to be valorized and promoted that can be a tool for local development and growth.
  • The different members and sectors at the community level, participate, cooperate and work together in the design, management and implementation of local development strategies.
  • The different actors of the community contribute and generate social benefits, creating collaborations and connections that promote a circular flow of regeneration and renewal of the natural and human resources.
  • The social and economic benefits of human activities must reach all levels and be equitably distributed among the members of the community.
  • The cultural, natural and human heritage is protected and valued by all members of the community.
  • The cultural, natural and human aspects of the community’s heritage are linked in a circular system contributing effectively to the local economy based on solid environmental and social principles.
  • Young people, which play a main role, can freely express their creativity and innovative spirit in the creation and implementation of initiatives aimed at promoting the local assets of their communities, through a balanced environmental, social and cultural approach.
  • The most vulnerable groups in the community are supported, included and integrated into productive activities and actively participate in decision-making processes.